Have you received my resume?
If you submitted your CV by email or directly on our website, we have received your resume. However, there may be a delay before we can reply. If you would like to follow up on your applications, please contact us at info@thorens-solutions.com or by telephone.
How do I send my application?
To send us your resume, you can fill this form on our website, or send us your resume by email at info@thorens-solutions.com.
In which industry are you recruiting.
We mainly recruit in the following 4 industry:
  • Engineering
  • IT / IA
  • Executives
  • Professionals
Do you recruit internationally?
International recruitment is a field that requires in-depth expertise in law and immigration. We do not have the knowledge to accompany you in this process and that is why we do not recruit internationally. We suggest that you consult a firm specialized in international recruitment. Or go to the Job Bank website to consult job offers that could be suitable for you.
Do you offer temporary or under contract positions?
Unfortunately, no. All of our positions are permanent full-time opportunities.
Do you offer internships?
Unfortunately, no. All of our positions are permanent full-time opportunities, primarily for intermediate and senior positions. But do not hesitate to send us your resume so that we have your information in our database when you start your job search at the end of your studies!
Do you offer coaching or resume analysis services?
We do not currently offer this service, but you can visit our blog where you will find lots of tips for writing resumes and finding employment.
Can you help me find a job?
We do not offer job search support. You must submit your application on our website and a recruiter will get in touch with you if your profile is selected. Thereafter, the recruiter will guide you throughout the entire process.
Can you help me with a career change?
A career change is an important decision. We suggest that you consult a guidance counselor to support you on your journey. Unfortunately, we do not offer this service.
Can I make an appointment with a recruiter?
Due to the high volume of resume that our recruiters receive, only candidates with a profile corresponding to one of our opportunities will be contacted for an interview with one of our recruiters.
How long does it take to receive candidates?
Once the mandate has been initiated, you will receive the first candidates within 2 to 4 weeks. We take the time to meet the candidates before submitting their profile in order to ensure the relevance of their profile and job stability.
How do Thorens Solutions services work?
Once our service agreement signed, an Account Manager gets in touch with you to organize a meeting to initiate the mandate – by phone or in person – as to accurately define your needs and the profile you are looking for. A recruiter is then quickly assigned to the position and starts the search throughout our network, getting in touch with candidates who fit your requirements in order to present them with your opportunity and bring them in the recruitment process. Because we always call our candidates directly, we get an excellent response rate. We then meet with the candidates for a face-to-face interview before submitting their profiles to you.

Throughout the whole process, we offer you personalized support, rigorous follow-ups and strategic advice.
In which regions do you offer your services?
Thorens Solutions offices are located in Montreal, Drummondville and Toronto, and offer services throughout Quebec and Ontario. We also sometime recruit in the USA and in the Maritimes for client who have their headquarters in Quebec.
Do you demand exclusivity?
Thorens Solutions does not require exclusivity. You can therefore continue your own recruiting process.
Why work with executive search recruiters?
The best candidates aren’t actively searching for new opportunities or don’t apply to job postings. As executive search recruiters, our tools, expertise and vast network allow us to quickly identify those candidates based on your needs and requirements, get in touch with them and interest them in your opportunity.

The candidates we present to you are therefore targeted according to your region, your industry, and the skills and experience you are looking for. As a result, they'll perform quickly, need little training and adapt quickly to your business.
What is included in your services?
In addition to our executive search services, we offer counseling on salary range, job description writing, professional reference taking, criminal background check and a psychometric test.
What differentiates you from other firms?
  • Our ability to specifically understand your business context and needs.
  • Our candidate approach: we prioritize contacting candidates by phone and take the time to discuss their needs and motivations in changing jobs in order to properly assess their compatibility with your company.
  • Our vast network of candidates we’ve been building since 2007.
  • One Account Manager dedicated to your mandate, frequent and rigorous follow-ups throughout the process.
  • .The extensive experience of our executive recruiters: All our recruiters have a background in human resources, psychology, counselling, sociology or industrial relations, making them experts in recruitment.
What is your pricing method?
Opening a mandate, receiving resumes and conducting phone interviews is always free of charge! When you hire one of our candidates, we charge a percentage of the base gross annual salary of the hired candidate. This amount is invoiced only on the start date of the new hire. There are no charges on bonuses or commissions.

To learn more about our rates, contact us today.
Do you offer a warranty?
Yes. Our warranty is valid for a 6 to 12 months period and covers both voluntary departures and dismissals.
What are your specialities?
Our recruiters are specialized in the recruitment of:
  • Executives
  • Engineers
  • IT, AI and Cybersecurity
  • Executives and Professionals in the Public and NPO sectors
  • Intermediate and Senior Professionals